Clemson Sports News is proud to announce the newest addition to our team . . . Please help us in welcoming Carl Ackerman to the staff as our head of Digital Media & Staff Photographer. 


Carl comes from years on the Clemson Athletics staff covering all the major sports and has been the eye of the Clemson Football program under its rise to national prominence over the Dabo Swinney coaching reign.  Ackerman who is well known inside the Clemson community, is a lifetime local who spent his life building relationships on and off campus and at the same time building a portfolio of images that included 4 ACC Titles and 2 National Titles in Football alone.  Ackerman who is also becoming a heralded wildlife photographer,  spends many weekends on adventures throughout the country taking images of birds in flight in their natural habitats.  Needless to say, his body of work is already well published and documented,  and the accolades from colleagues and fans a like continue to pour in as Carl has delivered some of the Clemson fans’ most coveted images over the past few seasons. 


Again, we would like to express how proud we are to have Carl joining the team.  We just landed our first “five star” of the year! 



We also reached out to one of our Sponsors here … and a Clemson civic champion in his own right Trent Allen.   Trent, who is the owner and proprietor of “Allens’ Creations” In Clemson has worked with Carl for literally his entire adult life in one shape or form, having published books together containing Carl’s work… those just a few examples of many projects Ackerman and Allen have collaborated on in the past.    Trent had this to add to our own thoughts on Carl . . . 


“I’ve known Carl his entire life and he has become an incredible photographer. His photos make up the best-selling category on our web site: – and in our shop: Allens’ Creations in Clemson. Carl has an eye for being at the right place and the right time – and for editing photos for sale. He has a line of nighttime and sunrise photos around Clemson that is unmatched and his in-game action photos are so detailed they can be blown up to make wall murals! I am so glad to hear that you have Carl on your staff!  Attached are a couple of his best-selling photos.” 





Here is Special Exclusive Video of CSN’s own Dean “the Hat ” Cox and a Special Edition of “Chat with the Hat”  Featuring Carl Ackerman





Mini Gallery of Carl’s Work and what to expect on CSN this season as he puts his eye on Football, Basketball and Baseball and much more in the future.   “Best is Yet to Come”  




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