On this hot and humid July day the Clemson media congregated around the Reeve’s Football Complex as 2018’s version of the “ALL OFF” for Cancer event was again hosted by Clemson offensive lineman Sean Pollard.


This is the second annual event and its grown exponentially in size as the media contingent alone was impressive as over 2 dozen outlets from TV to Online were present to cover this event, as was ClemsonSportsNews.  Enjoy the Video and all the images we captured and be sure to listen to the interview with Sean after the event discussing its origin and its future.  


As you can see an outpouring of support came not only from the Players getting their heads shaved to  hair cut on this day to support the cause, but also in attendance was a large contingent of Tiger football players as they came to support their team mates and this excellent cause.  Please visit the link supplied at the bottom of this article and donate and contribute if you can.  









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