Special thanks to Trent Allen for all the Photographs and updated info.

Event: Bataan Death March Marathon
Place: White Sands Missile Base. Elevation: 4235
Time: 6:35 am
Just recently ,Clemson Alumni and American Hero Colonel Ben Skardon, returned to the New Mexico high desert to for what has now become a tradition in it’s own right. His yearly appearance and walk in honoring his fellow veterans in the “Bataan Death March Marathon” . Colonel Skardon who was and is the only survivor to ever walk in this event and has managed even at his advanced age and several medical issues in the past, has still attended 13 of the last 14 of these marathons. Now he comes through the Airports and onto the site complete with a Clemson entourage and compliment of supporters there with him at all times.
Colonel Skardon who was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal at this event. A true celebrity and Hero to all the Military and attendees. . Colonel Skardon has always taken the time to greet as many of the Marathon runners he can as he arrives over an hour early just to meet and greet these running warriors.

Colonel Skardon started at approx. 8:40 after shaking hands and greeting runners for over an hour.
He walked the first five miles in 2 hours and 34 minutes (almost exactly 2 miles per hour)
He later walked another 1 1/2+ miles, part of the time with base commander Brig. Gen. Eric L. Sanchez.
Trent Allen of “Allens Creations” in downtown Clemson was on site and has been there with Colonel Skardon step for step, and took a bevy of great photos and has kindly shared them here. Take the time to look here at the Gallery below and see for yourself the Legend that is Ben Skardon. His story is beyond movie material, and at 100 years of age he is a Living Legend. Clemson Man Alum, ex Professor and American Hero!

If you have never heard the story of Col. Skardon, you need to take the time to look him up and see for yourself how this Clemson Man has a story like no other…. I did a story a few years ago (with Trent Allens help) on the Scroll of Honor and the planting of the Flags each year in the late fall in Clemson across from Memorial Stadium. I have linked that below ( published on 247 sports) along with more info on Colonel Skardon and his journey!